Sunday, February 02, 2025

our universe

This was an entry for an international haibun contest in 2018. No, this haibun didn't win anything. I thought it was pretty well written and would like to share it again here. On hindsight, I think there was no seasonal word in the haiku part of the poem.

photo by Paulina Milde Jachowska at Unsplash

our universe

After we have packed our hammers and saws and nails in the toolshed, and our daily wages have been tallied and registered by our foreman, we gather outside the doorway for a final smoke. Someone lights some incense to the earth god, giving thanks for another safe day. Another feeds the black guard dog, stroking its beastly head as it eats hungrily from a dirty dish.

It is mostly like this, the end of another day, the smell of sawn wood still clinging to us like a scab. Sometimes we drink some tea, over a stove fire, like our forefathers did, building railroads and harbours in America and Hong Kong, half a lifetime away from home. The red glows of our cigarette tips flare, taunting the stars that are coming out in the gathering darkness, over the bulky silhouettes of the unfinished buildings behind us.

We stub out our cigarettes, grunt some goodbyes and jibes, and start our trucks and motor bikes, for the journey home, the tires churning out a cloud of dust on the unpaved roads. Tomorrow we will be here again, the dog's barks, loud in the early light blues of our universe.

dusk descends
the cirrus clouds sing
of a flat earth


Huang Jia Mei (黄家美) -- 爱拼才会赢

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2025

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Saturday, January 18, 2025


Please aim all kicks at the ground.
Address all blows to the air.
We are to be barely mentioned if at all in the moon’s memoirs.


from “Ledgelife” by Bill Knott

This is a prompt from the Bibliomamcy Oracle. It can work in frustrating ways.

photo by dsnake1


please, let us not talk about
what the numbers we should have
scratched on the betting slip
how the other plans didn't pan out
if there are plans in the first place.
just be glad that we are
still drinking beer
and binge surfing tv
on 31st december


photo by dsnake1

Rod Stewart - Auld Lang Syne

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2025

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Sunday, September 08, 2024

the pigeon minding its business

There is an informal understanding that we will ignore each other...

photo by dsnake1

the pigeon minding its business

the pigeon quietly waddles away
when I step on the sidewalk.
it is just minding its own business.
it does not want to look at me.
it is wary,
that i may wring its neck
or wrap a cable tie around its leg.

i will not do that of course.
i am too minding my own business.
i am just thinking of
what numbers to buy
for tonight's $10 million TOTO draw.
it will think of food, not numbers.
i will think of numbers, and food.

i reach for a betting slip, and hope.
it pecks at a grain of rice in the grass.


TOTO is a lot like Lotto. You know, the lottery. :)

"Do you ever ask your goldfish for their views on goldfish poetry or politics. Does a termite thinks that a woman's place is in the house? Do beavers prefer blondes or brunettes?"

-- Robert Heinlein, Goldfish Bowl

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2024

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

black sheep

Numb with disbelief, sometimes.

image from

black sheep

i am a sheep
i whine
i fear when
         the next meal
             will not come
i really dread
         the sky falling
             clouds and all
i could not
         use it like
             a blanket
i may not
         pick myself up
             from a fall
i see my
         tired feet
             slouching on
             dry asphalt
and i am
mumbling what costs have skyrocketed
but who listens?
who understands?
and when we had the chance at the poll booths

we threw it all away.


“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.”

― Leonardo da Vinci

Chao Chuan [ 趙傳 ] - I'm a Small, Little Bird [我是一隻小小鳥]

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2020

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Sunday, June 02, 2024

gangster movie

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

- Mary Oliver

photo by Sammy-Williams at pixabay

gangster movie

The pool hall is dark except for
the lights at the beige tables.
Two very bulky military police
guys push open the doors
and saunter into the hall
their eyes sharpened
for army deserters
their polished helmets
gleaming in the dim lights
their .45s automatics
in their holsters.

Boys, keep drinking your beers
don't get us into trouble.
The chatter dropped to a whisper
the clatter of ivory balls stopped
as they walked across the hall
steely eyes fixing on every face
every twitch of taut muscle
every curl of cigarette smoke
and there and then
i felt like a useless extra
in a gangster movie.

written 29/04/2009
revised 30/11/2012
revised 06/07/2021

Note the revisions. A very longish poem came to this...

SiM - The Sound of Breath

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2021

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Sunday, March 24, 2024

what are you doing tonight?

The night seems long, and there is no place to go.

photo of a Kyoto street by dsnake1

what are you doing tonight?

the half eaten dinner
is still in the styrofoam box
on the table

perhaps the rice is too sticky
maybe the cook had a bad day
like me

stub out the nth cigarette
sitting in the darkness listening
for a heartbeat

the blue curaco in a tall glass
with borzoi vodka and ice cubes
cools nerves

i light incense to her at the altar
call out her name, see the smoke
like farewells

i clean the dust and oil off
the gas hobs, as she had done
so many years

until the cold steel shines
and my sobs tremble and echo in
the silence

sitting in the quiet dark again
trying to figure out how the years
were wasted.

you will figure out surely
what you are doing tonight
the night answers

then i fire up the power amp
slip a disc into the player
sit back

and wait for Mark Knopfler
and his guitar to take us
to nirvana.

written lovingly 15/09/2007
revised slightly 23/08/2021

Dire Straits - On Every Street

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2024

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Sunday, January 28, 2024


She used to wear an anchor pendant on her necklace. Perhaps this is the one thing that is weighing me down.

There was once a prompt at Poets and Storytellers United to write about October. Sorry, my poem is about September.

photo by dsnake1


September seems like a meteor dropping from the sky,
once bright, then gone.

Like you too.

Remember we stand at the parapets of our block,
smoking cigarettes, bitching
about money and our jobs,
you a seamstress, me an odd-job labourer?

Life gets better.

But then you are gone, those memories hang
like van Goghs on my dusty wall.
Starry nights, irises, sunflowers,
cafes, tears and labour.
But I am too afraid
to follow you and so I linger
and I sit in dark corners
and wait for


written 26/09/2023
revised 28/09/2023

"what matters is that I still have
after all that has preceded
poems left
me left
and these walls that I have always
in all the cities and in all the
places I have lived, these walls are still here and
my radio plays,..."

Charles Bukowski, luck from a kitchen

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2024

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