black sheep
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black sheep
i am a sheep
i whine
i fear when
the next meal
will not come
i really dread
the sky falling
clouds and all
i could not
use it like
a blanket
i may not
pick myself up
from a fall
i see my
tired feet
slouching on
dry asphalt
and i am
mumbling what costs have skyrocketed
but who listens?
who understands?
and when we had the chance at the poll booths
we threw it all away.
“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.”
― Leonardo da Vinci
Chao Chuan [ 趙傳 ] - I'm a Small, Little Bird [我是一隻小小鳥]
© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2020
Ah, sad. Your sheep is humanity in general, I guess. Perhaps the black sheep (that metaphor for one who is 'wrong' / doesn't fit) is one who questions, even to a small degree?
oh yes, you are so perceptive. This is what I wanted to say.
i wrote this sometime back about an apolitical population, not just about my own country, but generally in any democratic country.
It has broad general relevance.
I am glad you see it that way. :)
This has much truth. Most people are sheep.
Thank you, Sara.
Yes, almost every society.
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