geography lessons
I am posting this for Thursday Poets Rally Week 58.

image by dsnake1
geography lessons
I loved geography lessons
not most of my class.
Our teacher Mr. Newton from Texas
drawled in an accent that's hypnotic
and lured some of the guys to sleep,
not me.
And poor Mr. Newton won't know
what to do with them,
he couldn't throw a chalk at the deadbeats
not like Mr Tan of Physics class.
So I paid attention
and was quite good,
knew that Bikini was a nuked island
and oxbows were not weapons,
while most of them
fidgeted in their chairs, chewed gum
and hoped that Miss Pang
the sexy literature teacher
would walk past,
just some slight distraction.
And we had a guy
we called Chairman Mao
who would debate fervently
with Mr. Newton
the virtues of communism
over the capitalist pigs,
the proletarian will triumph
over the bourgeoisie
and the whole damn class
would groan
and wish for recess.
After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say "I want to see the manager".
-- William S. Burroughs

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2011
Labels: mindscape, Poetry, Singapore, Thursday Poets' Rally
funny memories.
well done!
Sounds just like some of the classrooms I sat in way back when. Very nice write. I like it!
Thank you! yes, there are fond memories of my school days. :)
so, do you like geography? :D
Vivid memories of school. RECESS! :)
Ha ha….a prose poem on the under-stimulating effects of a school…funny depiction.
nice piece…..thanks for sharing.
Recess! the best part of the school day. :)
thanks for visiting!
yes, under-stimulating is the word!
thanks for your comment. :)
what a sweet note.
Geography was my fav subject in school :)
interesting attempt here...well done!
I did like geography but I didn't get to take the subject for the O-levels. That sounds a bit like my secondary school class. There's always some guy who can talk, and others would just roll their eyes.
Orange Tree,
thank you! :)
It is? but you are an architect. :)
those were recollections from my secondary school classes, and we did have some very interesting characters. i took geography for my O-levels and did pretty well. can't say the same for Chinese though. :D
Nice one! Reminded me a bit of my geography classes, which weren't my favourite ones though. Maybe because I had to write an important exam from this subject later... Sigh
i think most people are bored or scared of geography as a subject.
thanks for the visit, megdalena!
Bravo. I can just see the scene you set so clearly in my mind.
thank you, Madeleine, for your visit and kind comments. :)
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