
Writing is fun, writing can be a chore. But above all, writing is about passion.
Sure, all of us can write. Out of necessity, because of the nature of our work, or there is a damn report to file. Or a need to communicate, to complain, to praise , to apologise. Or we write because we love to, we have The Next Big Novel to publish, the Greatest Poem to share with the world.
Yes, I'm still an old-fashioned guy when it comes to writing. I like writing with a pencil on paper. In the old days before the PC and the word processor, I bashed out the finished product on an old Olivetti typewriter. Now the computer makes us lazy.
So here is a poem about writing, written some time back. (Sorry, not the Greatest Poem).
i struggled
with blunt pencil
record fleeting thoughts
on torn computer paper
in hope
that these squiggles
would see light
in a book .
I agree -- there's something different about writing on paper.
I'm in between. I like to jot down ideas and do the first rough draft on paper, but I like to do the actual writing on the computer.
>> Sorry, not the Greatest Poem
I like it. I can relate to it. :)
It's not all that bad. I use paper before i even touch a keyboard so it strikes a chord with me
i much prefer paper
the computer makes me write
it looks like paper is still in vogue.
for me, i like to see the chicken scrawls i made on the paper, it represents my thoughts and mood at that point in time. like a piece of art!
DP, i also carry a little black book around, won't know when my muse will decide to wake up!
hmmm....when did I realise i liked writing?? was in secondary school and on paper because i didn't have convenient access to computers yet...
nowadays, I prefer to write using the computer... perhaps i like the speed at which I can edit and i hate my own handwriting...and I much rather store my drafts in the computer than leave them lying around...got enough mess around my room already...
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