Before I Grow Old

Before I discovered DPS(S) and Blogger. I was wondering where I can put my poems on-line. I thought of putting it in a personal website but it ended up being a store of "totally useless stuff". Then I found Blogger (thanks to DeadPoet, who says I should give blogging a try).
I wrote this poem, expressing my desire to find a medium to show my works. Before I grow old.
rust biting on hard joints
some say you don't look
a day over forty
lies are sweeter on the ears
damn, my left knee hurts again
i have, how many, five?
old notebooks of
in fading pencil
to etch to .htm format
any luck ?
in how many, five, ten yrs ?
time is short & the water rises.
This poem reminds me of my favorite english teachers' poetry. Another good one my friend
nice one
(and about that knee - have you tried .... etc etc)
thanks, guys.
orso, glad that it reminds you of your teacher's poetry!
floots, got that knee from too much football when i was younger. Once a while it acts up, and after a round of rubbing and cursing, the pain goes off.
I like the last line.
Not sure what it means but I like it anyway. :)
hey DP,
it took a pretty long time to find my voice :)
Thanks DPS(S)!
i always use this line to express such situations : so little time, so much things to do ! :)
i think it came from the title of a book i read a long time ago, about conservationists trying to save animals from their habitats that were being threatened by a dam project.
like you i was looking for a way to get my work out there and someone turned me on to blogger, which I think is better then a web page.
hi david,
it's true, a blog is better than a web page in terms of exposure. a web site, it's hard to get noticed if it's new, or don't offer freebies! A blog is more community, people sharing the same interest comes to visit, you reciprocate, and in time , hopefully become friends online.
Hi, I followed dsnake1 here from another blog. I see from his pictures here that he has certain chameleon qualities. :)
I enjoyed "Before I Grow Old" and applaud your choice to find a way to share your poetry with the world.
Thank you for sharing it with me.
Hi ME-Liz,
thanks for dropping by!
i'm a reptile, remember? but seriously, about those changing pictures, i think i may have messed up the blog's template quite badly. Help! :)
i really like tis one....
maybe cos i reminds me too much of myself? getting old..... hahahahhaa
panda, panda,
if you are old, then i'm ancient!
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