Not His National Day

This is the poem I submitted for the 4th Dead Poets Society (Singapore) poetry writing competition.
An observation of people on National Day prompted me to write this piece. I was not concerned with the usual parades, the songs, the people waving flags, the show of hardware. This does not mean that I don't love my country any less, not at all. I was more concerned about the common folks, the down-and-trodden, the homeless, the guy who had just lost his job. Will their thoughts be on their country?
I tried to write about this in this poem, maybe not too successfully. But I still like this piece. Maybe I have grown much cynical as i aged...
Not His National Day
he was foraging for tins
in green litter bins.
another day of discards
and shattered dreams.
overhead in the
blue sky
five fighter jets roared by
trailing exhaust
to part
s t a r b u r s t
as thousands below
in red and white
rippled in applause.
a few streets away
he stoops and gathers
old newspapers.
a thought-provoking snapshot
thank you
thanks , floots.
this piece was more of a social commentary than a poem, but i guess it turned out quite well. :)
Thanks, DP !!
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