Sunday, September 08, 2024

the pigeon minding its business

There is an informal understanding that we will ignore each other...

photo by dsnake1

the pigeon minding its business

the pigeon quietly waddles away
when I step on the sidewalk.
it is just minding its own business.
it does not want to look at me.
it is wary,
that i may wring its neck
or wrap a cable tie around its leg.

i will not do that of course.
i am too minding my own business.
i am just thinking of
what numbers to buy
for tonight's $10 million TOTO draw.
it will think of food, not numbers.
i will think of numbers, and food.

i reach for a betting slip, and hope.
it pecks at a grain of rice in the grass.


TOTO is a lot like Lotto. You know, the lottery. :)

"Do you ever ask your goldfish for their views on goldfish poetry or politics. Does a termite thinks that a woman's place is in the house? Do beavers prefer blondes or brunettes?"

-- Robert Heinlein, Goldfish Bowl

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2024

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Blogger Helen said...

This is a super enjoyable poem ~~~ well done, well done! Hoping you win/won the $$$$.

08 September, 2024 03:34  
Blogger J Cosmo Newbery said...

B.F.Skinner could have trained the pigeon to pick the TOTO numbers for you..

08 September, 2024 08:49  
Blogger dsnake1 said...

Thank you, Helen. Nah, I am still looking carefully at my retirement funds. :)

08 September, 2024 15:33  
Blogger dsnake1 said...

Not a chance, buddy. The pigeons here have a mind of their own. :)

08 September, 2024 20:17  
Blogger Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

I enjoyed the mingling of you and pigeon going about your own business, and each seeking sustenance.

08 September, 2024 22:13  
Blogger dsnake1 said...

We can learn from these hardy birds. :)

09 September, 2024 00:22  
Blogger alan1704 said...

Love Pigeons and there is so much to gain from them ! great writing and it inspired me .

10 September, 2024 15:26  
Blogger dsnake1 said...

Thank you, Alan. I thought we can learn a thing or two from them too. :)

10 September, 2024 23:51  
Blogger Penelope Notes said...

We have differing goals but the drive to survive is something we do have in common. :)

11 September, 2024 07:24  
Blogger dsnake1 said...

Yes, I do agree with you. :)

12 September, 2024 13:02  
Blogger said...

Great writing, and a great quote!

13 September, 2024 08:22  
Blogger dsnake1 said...

Thank you, Sara. :)

13 September, 2024 09:26  

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