Saturday, March 01, 2025

a point in your life

This was written for a NaPoWriMo day.It has been posted on this blog before.

No, it has gathered many comments before. I am reposting it because I think it is a good look at ageing.

photo by dsnake1

a point in your life

so you come to a point in your life,
you feel cold, you feel old, booze
no longer excites, instead it plays punk
with your sphincters, the doctor sees you
and no longer asks what is bugging you
but tells you to keep off the oily stuff.

you watch weeds grow and wonder who
or which is more unwanted, the streets
growl at you and fumes and dust gets into
your eyes and coffee, children look at you
in fright and not merely because of your stubble,
and you don't rage anymore.

and so the best exercise you had in days
is to turn your head to watch that woman
in the short shorts walks by in the sidewalk
her full hips moving with a beat that
nearly stops your heart.

you watch the sun sets over the highrises
at the quay, someone mentions a drunk had
drowned in the river a couple of days back,
just a few paces where you sat, the day gets more
unsettling as a crow caws and tugs at a roadkill and
you fear your number may be up.

Written 06/04/2013
Revised 27/09/2024

Each stanza is a one sentence poem, and I am wondering if each stanza can exist as a stand-alone mini poem by itself. 😁

image by dsnake1
generated by a game console with Soul Calibur V

With age comes some wisdom. And a lot more pills. - dsnake1

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ), 2025

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Blogger J Cosmo Newbery said...

Hits a nerve! 😳

01 March, 2025 06:59  
Blogger Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Yes, I do think the stanzas work as individual poems, as well as working together as a whole. I totally sympathise with the portrayal of ageing!

01 March, 2025 08:42  
Blogger dsnake1 said...

J Cosmo Newbery

Ouch! 😆


Thank you!
I thought they might work as individual poems. 😊

01 March, 2025 16:33  
Blogger Priscilla King said...

I think each sentence/stanza can stand alone. The effect is stronger when they're taken together. Maybe they're like some medications--people are advised to take one pill every six hours because they don't want the stronger effect of four pills taken together...?

04 March, 2025 10:32  
Blogger dsnake1 said...

Thank you, Priscilla.

love the analogy of the pills with the poem.

04 March, 2025 21:44  

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