image prompt by rick mobbs
What Mr. Mobbs has on his masthead there are 4 in this poetic attempt. "poetry, love, death, war.". :)

painting by Rick Mobbs
on Icarus' wings
i know that
when the wings
of this fighter
are shattered
this airplane
this metal carcass
smoke flame debris
munitions, a life
and a forsaken
i know
i will have
to love you again
in another life
as i turn
the nose
of the plane
towards the sun
for a final
© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 )
i am insanely busy with work and some personal matters recently, so i wasn't visiting as much as i like. :(
still, found some time to do this poem (it was written in a very short span of time).
gautami, i found rick mobbs' prompts from your site. thanks. :)
it's a powerful painting which prompts powerful words. and you stood up to the challenge... well done
I read it and said 'wow'...really like the direction you took from this picture, thank you for taking the time to do it.
thank you. i relish a challenge once a while, and i guess this one turns out ok. :)
i have done these image prompts/challenges before. it's interesting to see how differently a person looks at a picture from another person.
thanks for the "wow". :)
The mind works in strange ways. i was looking at the picture, and it sure looks like a flying object on fire. and the muse certainly has not gone AWOL. :)
WOW! I first red this on my cell-phone and the picture wasn't coming up. I came side and saw it. Perfect! I love how you did this -- fits so well, Cheong.
thank you, andrew.
i was looking at it from another angle. :)
i echo the rest: wow! both the title and picture are apropos to your writing. beautifully written.
Hi rebecca!
thanks for visiting and for your comments. :)
about the title, i discarded 3 others before i settled on this one. :)
Love how you seal the poem with a final kiss. Interesting interpretaion of the warrior with a fighter plane. Gorgeous poem.
Hi christine,
thanks for visiting. :)
>>"seal the poem with a final kiss."
i like that. :)
you have a nice blog there, i hope to make more visits.
This is a powerful poem, a new take on the image. Thanks for participating. And thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving good wishes for us.
I endorse what Polona says - a powerful painting which prompts powerful words. and you stood up to the challenge... well done
hi rick,
thanks for visiting.:)
your painting is such an awesome piece of work, i have to write something on it. i guess i will be visiting more of your site for your image prompts.
your child is so lovely, i have to say a few words. :)
hi magiceye,
thank you, my friend!
i relish a challenge now and then. :)
Oh, dsnake, tears are streaming down my face. There is no doubt this is written from the depths of your heart!
thank you, GEL.
Rick Mobbs' painting is so inspiring. somehow, i keep thinking about the airmen who never made it home.
(it's those voices in my head. :) )
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