Saturday, March 30, 2013

NapOWriMo 2013

Hello there. It's April soon, and it's the Mad Month for some of us. Yes I am talking about NaPoWriMo 2013. Write a poem daily for the entire month of April. I have participated in a few editions, and it's quite maddening, but also fun. Plus , it leaves you with a great archive of work where you can dig into when you run out of ideas.

I will be participating though I am not too sure about the 'daily' bit. It's okay, no one's going to get penalized or ostracized, don't lose sleep over it. I will be posting the entries in my other blog (of shorter verses), i write too. Please feel free to visit and let me know how I am doing. :)

Heck, I have even designed a little badge for my posts.

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2013



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