Thursday, February 15, 2007


The Lunar New Year is just around the corner and there's still so much spring cleaning and shopping to do.

To the Chinese, red is an auspicious colour. In the New Year, red will be everywhere around the house, in the clothes we wear, the food, the decorations, flowers, greeting cards. There will be no exception in this household.

I have been writing dark and bleak stuff lately. Let me write something nicer and happier for the new year.

Chinese New Year
image by dsnake1


Red is the colour of the blood in my veins
is the colour of kinship
is the colour of life.

Red is the colour of the petals of peony
is the colour of luscious lips
is the colour of beauty

Red is the colour of the face of Guan Yu
is the colour of autumn trees
is the colour of loyalty

Red is the colour of memorial tablets on altars
is the colour of candles
is the colour of faith

and red is the colour of my beating heart
is the colour of your blush
when we first held hands
is the colour of our love.


the image is a scan of a greeting card

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Blogger J. Andrew Lockhart said...

very nice :)
happy new year!

16 February, 2007 14:07  
Blogger floots said...

ditto andrew's comment
(good times/bad times - both poetry times)

16 February, 2007 17:02  
Blogger magiceye said...

red and beautiful!

heres wishing you a bright red new year!!

16 February, 2007 22:07  
Blogger gautami tripathy said...

Wish you a very happy new year. Lovely card. Good red poetry.

17 February, 2007 01:35  
Blogger Cold Cut Ten said...

This is very good, dsnake. You could've used it on your own greeting cards. That would really be special.

17 February, 2007 09:01  
Blogger Plus Ultra said...

Happy New Year I just finish my description of you go to clink on links to see how I see you, any edition?

17 February, 2007 16:12  
Blogger polona said...

beautiful, dsnake!
happy new year!

18 February, 2007 07:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi DSnake,
Best wishes for a wonderful New Year. Today(Feb.18) in the U.S. I saw that it is the new year and year of the pig.

I also use a lunar calendar but am not of the ethnic background who celebrates the new year now.
I love the moon, as you may have figured out from my former blog name of SilverMoon and many moon postings, so I was researching the rich Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc. history with this very important holiday marked by many more phases of celebration than I was aware.

In your poem, you've captured the essence of what red means to you and many others. Thank you for the special enlightenment for its meaning to you.
(I don't know the proper salutation, so again, Happy and Healthy New Year.)

19 February, 2007 00:02  
Blogger Pat Paulk said...

I love red!! Beautiful and ditto happy new year!!

19 February, 2007 00:04  
Blogger dsnake1 said...

hi guys,
i'm too occupied these past few days to reply to your comments. sorry about that.

hi andrew.
thank you! this piece was one of those "spur of the moment" writes, and i guess it turned out quite well. :)

thank you.
good or bad times, i will write about both. :)

red is the color of the first month of the new year.:)

hi gautami,
thank you for your greetings!

hey liz,
that's an idea! now all i need is someone to translate it to Chinese!:)

hi plus,
Gong Xi Fa Cai to you too!

Awww, so nice of you to link me in your new blog. i like the description you have given of me. :)

20 February, 2007 12:05  
Blogger dsnake1 said...

while i was replying to the comments, relatives came a-calling, and then again a bout of eating, drinking and card games. :)

hi polona,
thanks for the greetings! :)

hi GEL,
thank you!
it's always good to know a bit of each other's culture, isn't it? the Lunar New Year is a big day in the calendar of the Chinese diaspora, wherever they may be.

don't worry about the proper salutation. "Happy and Healthy New Year" is wonderful! :)

hi pat,
thank you, and cheers!

20 February, 2007 17:49  
Blogger iamnasra said...

Red is the colour of my emotion
That lights up poetic fire
Then it inspires my soul to recite poetry

Loved your poem

Im spreading word on J. Andrew Lockhart’s Haiku Treat featured in LIP (

23 February, 2007 11:32  
Blogger Medusa aka expiringpoet said...

Stunning poem and I love crimson-red lips too...SEXY! gong xi fa cai to you! Do i get oranges from you?! =)

23 February, 2007 21:08  
Blogger dsnake1 said...

hi nasra,
thanks for your comments!

hey medusa,
glad to hear from you again! very busy with work, i guess.
yes, crimson-red lips are awesome! :)

25 February, 2007 16:25  

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