dark side of the moon #10
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dark side of the moon #10
i am thinking about the noise that lifted up
all the buildings like thrown lego bricks
still, like faraway dreams, i faintly
see strangers, walking, tripping,
calling names but i woke up on
what was once a street, dim
in the grey fog. faintly
i see a paramedic, the
man walking away
hey you can't
leave me like
fucking this!
he turns his face
he appears to be crying
perhaps there is too much
death and misery for one day
far too many awkward questions
a fine rain of grey ash is falling
just ash, flaky, dry, stinging lungs
to my right a dirty, naked mannequin
missing most of his hair and a
The prompt at Poets And Storytellers United was "to burn". I think this comes close.
A Perfect Circle - So Long And Thanks For All The Fish
© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ) 2022
Labels: apocalypse, dark, dark side of the moon, landscape, sci-fi, shape poetry
Wow. I fell into a science fiction scene, or your dream, or a sad reality. I love the image in the way in ends and the mouth left open (and apart).
Thank you, Colleen!
Yes, it's a continuation of my series of weird, dark stories. :)
Very vivid, and moving. At first I thought it was something you had really experienced, then I figured you were imagining what a nuclear holocaust must be like. Either way, disturbing and feels all too real. And need I add, very well written to get that effect.
Made me think of the book Hiroshima by John Hersey I read long ago. Very striking scene
Thank you!
That's what i was trying to imagine, and write. Those further away from 'ground zero' would still feel the effect of the blast.
Thank you!
A great book.
Think how the moon affects our tides, multiply by something times of the effects on the Earth of the Moon falling, we may lose our place in the Sun's obit? I liked this and would myself like to see/visit the backside of the moon.
The Dark side we may be seeing by telescopes and a rover's very strong lights.
Extremely fitting on the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing. What a hellscape for those poor souls living through its aftermath.
Thank you!
It is unlikely the moon will fall onto the Earth. At least for humanity as we know it now. We will most likely not see that day. I think a NASA spacecraft has taken pictures of the backside of the moon and a Chinese spacecraft had landed on that side.
Hey, I didn't notice that, the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing (on 6th August). Yes, it must have been a scene out of Hell on the aftermath. It has been said that it was not the politicians or generals who rebuild the city, but the community itself. I was there as a tourist a couple of years back, and looking at the skeletal atomic dome of that UNESCO site, and the offerings at the little shrines around it, your mind will always race back to that day so many years ago. They have rebuilt a modern city, and at an eatery run by very friendly staff, I had the best okonomiyaki I have ever eaten. :)
Your stories are mesmerizing ...
Thank you, Helen! :)
This is so well written and so subtely implied. A very visual poem
Thank you, jossina! :)
So well done, and dark. I love the way you ended this with 'a mouth'.
Thank you, Sara.
I think it adds a bit more horror to the story. :)
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